The Center for Environmental Economics - Montpellier (CEE-M) is a research group working on environmental economics and behavioral economics. It is affiliated with the CNRS, INRAE, Institut Agro and the University of Montpellier and is located on two sites: the INRAE-SupAgro campus and the Richter campus.

News And Events
News & Events

CEE-M Lunch Talk

Economic and Monetary Integration of Central African Countries: The Case of the CEMAC Zone” and “Spatial reshaping of an exposed coast and possibilistic adaptive policy pathways”

Conference on “Acting differently” to facilitate the transition of coastal areas
The CEE-M is organizing a conference entitled “Agir autrement” (Acting differently) to facilitate the transition […]
New arrival at CEE-M
Pauline Leveneur …joins the CEE-M on a two-year post-doctoral contract. Project : Pauline will be […]
Special Issue of Annals of Economics and Statistics coordinated by Francesco Ricci
The journal Annnals of Economics and Statistics has just published a special Issue coordinated by […]
New arrival at CEE-M
A new post-doc join CEE-M : Camille Salesse Project topict : Camille will be working […]

Who we are
There are over sixty CEE-M members, including approximately thirty faculty members, fifteen staff members and twenty Ph.D students. Members are located in the INRA-Supagro campus and in the University of Montpellier at Richter.
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What we do

Our work is structured
around four main activities
CEE-M’s researches are structured around four main activities. Research works use a mix of theory, empirics, and experiments and often rely on interdisciplinary collaborations in ecology, phyto-pathology, psychology,... One of the goals is to provide policy recommendations to address current major environmental challenges.

Where we are
Where to find us

Institut Agro Montpellier - INRAE
Bâtiment 262 place Pierre Viala
UFR Economie
Avenue Raymond DugrandCS79606
34960 MONTPELLIER Cedex 2

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