In accordance with the potential role of ecopreneurs in driving sustainability, this paper provides an insight into what contributes to their job satisfaction. It is important to have a better understanding of this unique sub-category of entrepreneurs in order to help avoid the increase in the number of unhappy ecopreneurs intending to end these socially desirable activities. We surveyed 69 Tunisian ecopreneurs. The results of the multinomial logit model show that an ecopreneur’s job satisfaction is influenced by both the economic and the ecological performance of the eco-firm. Moreover, we find that the job satisfaction of the ecopreneurs is also determined by the perceived autonomy and the various social influences. More precisely, it is positively affected by the extent of the ecopreneur’s social network and by the favourable perception of their entourage relative to the ecopreneurial activities.
What makes Tunisian ecopreneurs satisfied with their job?
14 January 2014