Categories for General public


CEE-M takes part in the “Festival of Science 2023

In the framework of the annual national event “Fête de la Science”, the CEE-M will hold a stand entitled “Are You Experienced? Sport et Economie Comportementale“. It aims at providing an entertaining introduction to behavioral and experimental economics to the general public and the youth. With the help of posters and interactions with the public, […]


Listen to the CEE-M podcast on behavioral biases

Lisette Ibanez, Director of Research at INRAE and member of the CEE-M, took part in the Sani’Terre, podcast entitled “Environnement et animaux : nos relations et biais comportementaux” (Environment and animals: our relationships and behavioral biases) put forward by the CIRAD and “Les petits débrouillards de la Réunion” association. Podcast presentation: The environment has become […]


Great Green Wall : a new article of CEE-M member published by The Conversation

A new article co-authored by Antoine Leblois (CEE-M) and Pauline Castaing (World Bank) has just been published in The Conversation website: The Great Green Wall, a bulwark against food insecurity? (in french : “Grâce à la Grande muraille verte, une meilleure qualité de vie dans le Sahel ?” ) While large-scale impact assessments are still […]


Podcasts to discover the activity of two CEE-M members

The communication service of the University of Montpellier has just opened a podcast channel, Lum Lu, that provides an audio version in French of some articles published in the Lum magazine. The article “Quand la mer monte” (“When the sea rises“), published in the December 2022 issue, includes a contribution from Hélène Rey-Valette on the […]


A new article of CEE-M member published by The Conversation

A new article co-authored by Antoine Leblois (member of the CEE-M), Philippe Delacote (BETA) and Giulia Vaglietti (BETA)  has just been published on The Conversation website : How droughts affect deforestation ? (Comment les sécheresses influent sur la déforestation ?) This article, in french, details the nature of the significant impacts of extreme weather events, […]


Vidéo : « Farmers’ risk preferences in 11 European farming systems : A multi-country replication of Bocquého et al.”

This video produced by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) sheds light on  the study supported by the REECAP network (Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy)  for which three CEE-M members contributed (Douadia Bougherara, Sophie Thoyer and Marc Willinger). This study describes a behavioural experiment involving 1,430 farmers, that aimed at […]


Marc Willinger, co-author of an article published in Le Monde

Marc Willinger, member of the CEE-M, is the co-author, along with five other researchers, of an article published on 17 October on the Le Monde website, entitled: “Public decision-makers must be able to trigger the necessary progress by raising support rather than opposition” (in french). The six signatories call on public authorities to take into […]


A comic book based on research works at CEE-M

This comic book project has been initiated by Climat Social, a project funded by the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO). It is based on a presentation made by Hélène Rey-Valette on November 2, 2021. Hélène Rey-Valette is assistant Professor at CEE-M, the presentation is available here. Donwload the comic Book >>> You have until midnight on March 20th […]

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