Categories for General public


Two new articles of CEE-M members posted in The Conversation

The Conversation have posted two articles of CEE-M members : Mahenc, P. (2020). Le prix n’est pas forcément un signal de qualité des produits. The Conversation. Blayac, T., Ventelou, B., Dubois, D., Nguyen-Van, P., Willinger, M., & Duchêne, S. (2020). Covid : ces mesures sanitaires que les Français sont prêts à accepter. The Conversation. This […]


CEE-M in the news

Two newspapers highlight research works by CEE-M members.   In a special issue of La Gazette de Montpellier dedicated to the risk of flooding in Montpellier and published this week, Antoine Leblois discusses how impacts of climate change remain underestimated, while Hélène Rey Valette (in a joint interview with Vincent Devictor) discusses the potential effect […]

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