Categories for Research news


Conference on “Acting differently” to facilitate the transition of coastal areas

The CEE-M is organizing a conference entitled “Agir autrement” (Acting differently) to facilitate the transition of coastal areas: cross-fertilization between managers and researchers, in conjunction with the University of Montpellier, the CNFPT, the Fondation de France, the Plan Littoral 21 and the GIP Littoral 2030 The aim of this conference is to share scientific and […]


Special Issue of Annals of Economics and Statistics coordinated by Francesco Ricci

The journal Annnals of Economics and Statistics has just published a special Issue coordinated by Francesco Ricci, a member of the CEE-M, which brings together a selection of eight articles This issue gathers a selection of eight contributed papers presented at the 10th annual congress of the French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE), […]


New arrival at CEE-M

A new post-doc join CEE-M  : Camille Salesse Project topict : Camille will be working with data from the French Education Ministry to assess the effects of environmental hazards (particularly air pollution and extreme heat) on the educational choices and results of secondary school pupils. Supervision: BRIOLE Simon (CEE-M) Duration : one year    


Internship in experimental /environmental economics

CEE-M is looking for a Internship in experimental /environmental economics (level 1st or 2nd year of master). Title: Design of an experimental game to measure effort as a proxy for sorting of (bio-)waste by households. Preferred starting date: March / April 1st, 2025 Duration: 6 month Contacts: Lisette Ibanez, send an e-mail Sébastien Roussel , send […]


A look back at the first IRN (International Research Network) QARESS Symposium

The first IRN (International Research Network) QARESS Symposium has been held in Montpellier on December 2-3, 2024. It has been hosted by the MSHSUD in downtown Montpellier and mainly organized by the CEE-M (Center of Environmental Economics in Montpellier) with the financial support of both the CNRS and INRAE. The IRN QARESS Symposium #2024 brought together scientists from various countries (Germany, The Netherlands, Cameroon, Canada, Australia and […]


Five Ceem Phd students successfully defended their theses

At the end of the year, several CEE-M Phd students successfully defended their theses : Gabriel BAYLE, November 7th 2024,: “Essays on distributional preferences and approval mechanisms in social dilemmas“. Thesis supervisor Marc Willinger   More informations >>> Yunjiang SUN, November 15th 2024,: “Essays on social preferences under background risk »“. Thesis supervisor : Marc Willinger, co-supervisor […]


The Symposium 2024 IRN QARESS : final program

 The first international IRN QARESS Symposium, organised by CEE-M, will be held in Montpellier on December 2 and 3, 2024. Venue (Montpellier downtown): Maison des Sciences de l’Homme “Sciences et société Unies pour un autre Développement” (MSHSUD) Site Saint-Charles 2  Rue du Professeur Henri Serre  34080 Montpellier Contact : Luc Doyen (CNRS, CEE-M), Katrin Erdlenbruch (INRAE, CEE-M) Program>>> Registration (Free) >>> Despite the […]


CEE-M publication in CentrePiece, the London School of Economics magazine

Simon Briole member of CEE-M is co-author of “How to build a citizen” published in the number of autumn 2024 of CentrePiece magazine. CentrePiece magazine is published by the Center for Economic Performance (CEP) at the London School of Economics and presents new research and policy ideas from the CEP. Written for non-economics readers, CentrePiece articles […]


A look back at the CEE-M Workshop on the economics of the environment and natural resources

The CEE-M had the pleasure of hosting its 8th CEE-M Workshop on “Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation” on September 23rd and 24th at the Saint Charles site in Montpellier. The event gathered numerous researchers specializing in Environmental and Resource Economics. The organizers, Emmanuelle Lavaine and Francesco Ricci, extend their sincere gratitude to all participants for […]

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