Categories for Research news


Gabriel Bayle, PhD student at CEE-M, award the IAREP / SABE / Elsevier student prize

The best PhD student paper submitted to the SABE / IAREP / Conférence held in Dundee, Scotland, august 19-22, 2024 was award to Gabriel Bayle, PhD student at CEE-M, for his paper entitled ; “Four ways to share a pie : identifying distributional preferences with machine learning“. The committe was impressed by the high standard […]


The CEE-M in Primary School: Focus on the “Educational Gardens” Project

Three members of the CEE-M are involved in this action research conducted jointly with the NGO WWF France and Eval-Lab, which constitutes the first national study on educational gardens in primary schools. To learn more about this project and educational gardens, two testimonies are presented: that of Simon Briole, economist at CEE-M, holder of the junior […]


Workshop on AI in research organised by the CEE-M

on 9 July from 9.30am to 4.30pm at the Faculty of Economics on the Richter campus (Amphi 319). Objectives of the Workshop : To discuss the use of AI as a tool to aid research Discover AI as a research subject through recent work Speakers: Madalina Croitorou (LIRMM) Ganesh Gowrishankar (LIRMM) Maria-Claudia Angel Ferrero (IAE […]


We’re Hiring : research engineer in data production, processing and analysis

The Centre for Environmental Economics – Montpellier (CEE-M) is hiring for an engineer to produce, process and analyse data and surveys (fixed-term contract, 12 months). Profile : aware of the issues involved in data production and collection (RGPD, data management plan, ethics committee, FAIR principles, open science, etc.), and who also has programming and data […]


New arrival at CEE-M

A new post-doc join CEE-M  : Pierre Chiaverina Project topict : Design of agrienvironmental contracts through choice experiments, in part of an interdisciplinary research project (ReCROP) in collaboration with ecologists, funded by PRIMA (European Commission funding). Supervision: ROUSSEL Sébastien (CEE-M)  


First Workshop CEE-M – Xiamen University School of Economics

The Xiamen University School of Economics (Xiamen, China) and the Center for Environmental Economics of Montpellier (Montpellier, France) agreed to launch a collaboration program on common research themes at the intersection of environmental economics and behavioral and experimental economics. In this perspective, we have jointly launched a common workshop, the first edition of which will […]


Fast project : Annual Meeting 2024

The FAST research project, funded by the ANR as part of the “Cultivating and protecting differently” priority research programme and coordinated by Jule Subervie from CEE-M, is organising its annual meeting on 10 and 11 June 2024 in Saint Malo. As in previous years, researchers from the FAST project and their colleagues will be meeting […]

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