Categories for Organised Event


8th CEE-M workshop “Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues” on September 23 and 24, 2024

The CEE-M annual workshop on the economics of the environment and natural resources  will take place on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 September 2024 in Montpellier, at the Saint Charles site 2 (Université Paul Valéry – MSH). . The workshop aims to encourage interaction between researchers working on the economics of the environment and natural resources and […]


Workshop on AI in research organised by the CEE-M

on 9 July from 9.30am to 4.30pm at the Faculty of Economics on the Richter campus (Amphi 319). Objectives of the Workshop : To discuss the use of AI as a tool to aid research Discover AI as a research subject through recent work Speakers: Madalina Croitorou (LIRMM) Ganesh Gowrishankar (LIRMM) Maria-Claudia Angel Ferrero (IAE […]


First Workshop CEE-M – Xiamen University School of Economics

The Xiamen University School of Economics (Xiamen, China) and the Center for Environmental Economics of Montpellier (Montpellier, France) agreed to launch a collaboration program on common research themes at the intersection of environmental economics and behavioral and experimental economics. In this perspective, we have jointly launched a common workshop, the first edition of which will […]


Fast project : Annual Meeting 2024

The FAST research project, funded by the ANR as part of the “Cultivating and protecting differently” priority research programme and coordinated by Jule Subervie from CEE-M, is organising its annual meeting on 10 and 11 June 2024 in Saint Malo. As in previous years, researchers from the FAST project and their colleagues will be meeting […]


CEE-M Seminars: winter and spring 2024 program

The three CEE-M seminars schedule for winter / spring 2024 : CEE-M Seminar : February, 8th 2024 : Elise Huillery (Paris -Dauphine PSL) March, 7th 2024 : Olivier Deschenes (University of California, Santa Barbara) March 28th, 2024 : Olivier Bonroy (GAEL) pril, 25th, 2024 : Marion Dumas (Grantham Research Institute- LSE) May, 16th, 2024 : Francisco […]


Call for Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory, supported by the CEE-M

The call for application for the Seventeenth Doctorate Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory (IT17) on “Inequality and Big Challenges”, supported by the CEE-M, is available. Download the call for application>>> The aim of the School is to provide junior and senior researchers on inequality and social welfare analysis with the opportunity to discuss […]


September 7 and 8, 2023 >>> 10th annual FAERE conference organized by CEE-M

On September 7 and 8, 2023, CEE-M is pleased to host the 13th annual conference of FAERE (French Association of Environmental and Resources Economists). Everything is in place to welcome all participants to this important event for the environmental economist community. For the record, a reminder of useful information: Event location and venue: see here […]


CEE-M Seminars: Fall 2023 program

The three CEE-M seminars are back for 2023-2024. Here’s the fall 2023 schedule for the various seminars : CEE-M Seminar : September 28th, 2023 : Michelle M. Marcus (Vanderbilt University) October 5th, 2023 : Eric Strobl (Bern University) November 16th, 2023 : Alessandro Tavoni (Bologna University) December 14th, 2023 : Elise Huillery (University Paris Dauphine […]


A look back at the 13th annual conference of the Association Française d’Économie Expérimentale (ASFEE) organized by CEE-M

The CEE-M had the pleasure of hosting the 13th annual conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE) on May 25th and 26th on the Richter campus. This event brought together no fewer than 150 researchers specializing in experimental economics from 14 different countries. The organizers, Marc Willinger, Rustam Romaniuc, and Dimitri Dubois, wish […]

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