Categories for Research news


TYPOCLIM selected for funding by MUSE

The TYPOCLIM project (TYpology and assessment of POlicy instruments to promote agricultural adaptation to CLIMate change) has been selected for funding by the I-SITE MUSE. This collaborative and interdisciplinary project (coordinated by Marie Hrabanski, CIRAD) is focused on policy instruments to facilitate agricultural adaptation to climate change. It gathers together researchers from several research units […]


Workshop « Measuring the Effects of Forest Policies »

CEE-M and CIFOR will organize a Workshop « Measuring the Effects of Forest Policies » on March 26, 2018 at Montpellier SupAgro / INRA Campus (Bat.26, Room Océanie).   See the event announcement for further information.


Workshop GREENGO “Environmental NGOs and Public Policy”

CEE-M will organize a Workshop “Environmental NGOs and Public Policy” funded by the research project GREENGO on May 31 – June 01, 2018 at Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH, Montpellier). See the event announcement for further information.


SupAgro and CEE-M host the next SFER Conference

Montpellier SupAgro and CEE-M will host the next SFER Conference on June 20-21, 2018. The Conference will be dedicated to agricultural and food policies, see the SFER website for detailed information. This conference will be followed by a one-day international meeting on the future of CAP on June 22, 2018.

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