Categories for Research news


CEE-M : new member

CEE-M is pleased to announce that Luc Doyen, Research Professor at CNRS joint our research unit. We welcome him ! See the Luc Doyen ORCID page See the Luc Doyen Google Scholar page    


Postdoctoral researcher in environmental and agricultural economics :

CEE-M is looking for a post-doc researcher in Economics, with an application to the digitalization of agriculture. The focus of the research is on the adoption and use by farmers of digital support tools for the reduction of pesticides, with a specific focus on the value of information. The post-doc research is conducted in the […]


World Congress on Natural Modelling Association : Best Student Presentation Award

Claudia Kessall, PhD student at CEE-M, has won the first Best Student Presentation Award at the World Conference on Natural Resource Modelling “Modeliing natural resource management in a changing world”., that was held in Leipzig from June 14 to 17. This award recognizes Claudia’s work presented in a paper entitled “‘Risk aversion in renewable resource […]


Young researcher ASFEE 2022 prizes

Kudos to our students, Aude-Marie, Danièle, Noémie and Abilio, who won the ASFEE prize on Friday, July 1st in Lyon during the 12th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics , for their poster presented during the special session among 17 other posters. This prize recognizes the work done during the year for […]


Postdoctoral researcher in behavioral and experimental economics : sorting of bio-waste

CEE-M is looking for a specialist with expertise in behavioral economics and experimental economics to join the project PICOLECT (Innovative Policies and Biowaste Collection in Collective Housing) funded by Agropolis Fondation. The innovation developed in PICOLECT project aims to help public decision-makers design targeted communication (like Nudge) policies to support large-scale behavior change in households in […]


CEE-M Spring Experimental Economics Workshop

The CEE-M Spring Experimental Economics Workshop is an  event organized by the CEE-M and MBS (Montpellier Business School). Date: Thursday, May 12, 2022 Time: 9:30am – 3:00pm Place: Salle TBC, Faculté d’Economie, Avenue Raymond Dugrand 34960 The Workshop aims to foster interactions between researchers working on experimental economics and gathers five invited speakers. For more […]


Internship in environmental / development economics

CEE-M is looking for a Internship in environmental / development economics (level 1st or 2nd year of master). Title: Measuring the impact of coastal ecosystem protection on poverty reduction: a long-term study in Tanzania The intern will be based in Montpellier. No travel to Tanzania is planned. The intern will have the chance to work […]


Associated researchers at CEE-M

CEE-M is pleased to announce that Georgios Kleftodimos has become an associated researcher and that Fabian Battaglini’s affiliation has been renewed. See Georgios Kleftodimos profile. See Fabian Battaglini profile


Visiting Professor at CEE-M

Yukihiko Funaki, Professor of Economics at the School of Political Science and Economics (Waseda University, Tokyo) and Director of the Economic Science Laboratory, will visit CEE-M for oneweek (until the five december). His main fields of research are cooperative game theory and experimental economics. Yukihiko Funaki is a member of the editorial board of Experimental […]


2021 annual Workshop “Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues”

The Annual Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation Workshop is an international two-day event organized by the CEE-M in the fall of the year. The Workshop aims to foster interactions between researchers working on environmental and natural resource economics and gathers around 9 invited speakers using theoretical and empirical approaches. For more details, see Workshop webpage here

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