Categories for Research news


Result dissemination of PollDiff Project

Five CEE-M members were involved in the PollDiff project funded by the “région Occitanie”. The objective of this project was to study how to prevent the risks associated with nitrate and pesticide water pollution. Using Discrete Choice Experiments, CEE-M members assessed how innovative AES could enhance the adoption of environmentally-friendly practices. Following a first survey […]


A new event : the CEE-M PhD Lunch Talk

The CEE-M PhD Lunch Talk is a monthly webinar organized by and for Ph.D. students in environmental and behavioural economics. The aim of this seminar is to provide a friendly academic environment in which Ph.D. students can present and freely exchange about their work, improve their communication skills, and of course, socialize with other Ph.D. […]


Postdoctoral researcher in economics / statistics

CEE-M is looking for a specialist with expertise in economics / statistics to join a collaborative and interdisciplinary project entitled “Can marine protected areas alleviate poverty in the context of land desertification?” (MPA-POVERTY). This project has been selected for funding by the ANR Title: Evaluation of the impact of marine protected areas on livelihoods in […]


Postdoctoral researcher in behavioral economics and environmental economics

CEE-M is looking for a specialist with expertise in behavioral economics and natural resource economics to join a collaborative project team consisting of economists and ecological modellers. Funded by a joint grant from the French and German science foundations (ANR & DFG) the postdoctoral researcher will work on the CRaMoRes project (“Changing risks  and  mobile  […]


CEE-M got funding for the project ReCROP

Three members of CEE-M are involved in the ReCROP project : Thierry Blayac, Emmanuelle Lavaine and Sébastien Roussel. ReCROP aims to redesign Mediterranean agrosystems through the combined use of biotechnological tools and environmentally friendly agronomic practices. This will allow farming systems to face climate change through the improvement of below and aboveground biodiversity, fertility, and […]


CEE-M is involved in the creation of the FETS seminar in Experimental Economics.

Dimitri Dubois research Engineer at CEE-M is  involved in the creation of the FETS (French Experimental TalkS) seminar in Experimental Economics. The objective of this seminar is to bring together French experimentalists for weekly discussions on recent work in the discipline. The schedule is available here  Fets’ Team : Main Organizers: Paolo Crosetto (GAEL), Dimitri […]


The FAST project is featured in the Montpellier Gazette

Julie Subervie, CEE-M member and research Professor at INRAE,  made the headlines of La Gazette de Montpellier. In this issue an article provides the scope of the FAST project (Facilitating public action to stop using pesticides), coordinated by Julie Subervie, which is selected for funding within the framework of the Research Priority Program  


New PhD students

We are pleased to welcome two new PhD students at CEE-M : Aurélien Lafrogne : Tittle : “The role of green finance for the energy transition: a macroeconomic perspective“ Doctoral advisor: Francesco Ricci and co-Doctoral advisor : Marion Davin Margaux Lapierre Tittle : “Pesticide use, farmer risk preferences and value of digital information“ Doctoral advisor […]


FAST project selected for funding by the ANR

The FAST project coordinated by Julie Subervie, CEE-M member and Research Professor at INRAE, obtained 3 million euros funding over a 6-year period from the ANR as part of the “Cultiver Protéger Autrement” national priority research program. The FAST project aims at providing sound theory and empirical evidence about the effectiveness of a variety of […]


2020 edition of MUSE call for projects, CEE-M got funding for the project CIBSEEA

Among the winners of the 2020 edition of MUSE call for projects, CEE-M got funding for the project CIBSEEA – The Ciguatoxins : Impacts on Biology, Ecology, Economy and heAlth. CIBSEEA is an interdisciplinary project led by PhyMedExp UM in collaboration with CEE-M, MARBEC and the University of Barcelona. Project description: the CIBSEEA project aims to […]

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