Three members of CEE-M are involved in the ReCROP project : Thierry Blayac, Emmanuelle Lavaine and Sébastien Roussel. ReCROP aims to redesign Mediterranean agrosystems through the combined use of biotechnological tools and environmentally friendly agronomic practices. This will allow farming systems to face climate change through the improvement of below and aboveground biodiversity, fertility, and […]
Dimitri Dubois research Engineer at CEE-M is involved in the creation of the FETS (French Experimental TalkS) seminar in Experimental Economics. The objective of this seminar is to bring together French experimentalists for weekly discussions on recent work in the discipline. The schedule is available here Fets’ Team : Main Organizers: Paolo Crosetto (GAEL), Dimitri […]
Julie Subervie, CEE-M member and research Professor at INRAE, made the headlines of La Gazette de Montpellier. In this issue an article provides the scope of the FAST project (Facilitating public action to stop using pesticides), coordinated by Julie Subervie, which is selected for funding within the framework of the Research Priority Program
We are pleased to welcome two new PhD students at CEE-M : Aurélien Lafrogne : Tittle : “The role of green finance for the energy transition: a macroeconomic perspective“ Doctoral advisor: Francesco Ricci and co-Doctoral advisor : Marion Davin Margaux Lapierre Tittle : “Pesticide use, farmer risk preferences and value of digital information“ Doctoral advisor […]
The FAST project coordinated by Julie Subervie, CEE-M member and Research Professor at INRAE, obtained 3 million euros funding over a 6-year period from the ANR as part of the “Cultiver Protéger Autrement” national priority research program. The FAST project aims at providing sound theory and empirical evidence about the effectiveness of a variety of […]
Among the winners of the 2020 edition of MUSE call for projects, CEE-M got funding for the project CIBSEEA – The Ciguatoxins : Impacts on Biology, Ecology, Economy and heAlth. CIBSEEA is an interdisciplinary project led by PhyMedExp UM in collaboration with CEE-M, MARBEC and the University of Barcelona. Project description: the CIBSEEA project aims to […]
Among the winners of the 2020 edition of MUSE call for projects, CEE-M got funding for the project MarEEE – Crossed views on Marine urban habitats: Ecology-Evolution-Economics. MarEEE is an interdisciplinary project led by ISEM in collaboration with CEE-M, MARBEC, the University of Barcelona, CSIC, WUR, IAGE and LAB AD2M. Project description: MarEEE aims at […]
Dr. Yukihiko Funaki and and Marc Willinger, CEE-M member and professor at University of Montpellier, will be the guest editors, of a special issue of Games review, dedicated to Behavioral Coalition Formation: Theory and Experiments. You may submit your article for this special issue before the 15th of February 2021. See the message from the […]
MUSE I-SITE seeks to create a world-class university open to many scientific disciplines. The project combines the talents of 19 partner establishments that contribute to distinguishing the actors of scientific research in montpellier from other universities internationally by producing knowledge and new solutions to meet three major societal challenges: food safety, environmental protection, and human […]
In march, from 23 to 27 March, Michalis Drouvelis, Professor at University of Birmingham will visit CEE-M. He will give a talk at the CEE-M Seminar on March 26. To know more about his works, see his website here .