Categories for Research news


2019 annual Workshop “Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues”

The Annual Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation Workshop is an international two-day event organized by the CEE-M in the fall of the year. The Workshop aims to foster interactions between researchers working on environmental and natural resource economics and gathers around 10 invited speakers using theoretical and empirical approaches. For more details, see Workshop webpage […]


MPA-POVERTY Project, selected for funding by the ANR, call 2019

– The collaborative and interdisciplinary project entitled “Can marine protected areas alleviate poverty in the context of land desertification?” (MPA-POVERTY), has been selected for funding by the ANR, “Appel à projet générique – 2019”. – The project brings together 19 researchers from 6 research teams in Montpellier (MARBEC, LIRMM, ESPACE-DEV, CEE-M, GREEN and NUTRIPASS), with […]


Visiting Professor at CEE-M

Michele Graziano Ceddia, Assistant Professor at the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern is visiting the CEEM.   He holds an ERC Consolidator Grant 2016-2021 (2M euros) on Indigenous Communities, Land Use and Tropical Deforestation.   Graziano is with us until mid-July and then in September. You can find him at the […]


CEE-M members win the first Alison Burrell Award

Former CEE-M member Philippe Le Coent and CEE-M members Raphaele Préger and Sophie Thoyer won the first Alison Burrell Award for the best paper presented at the 172nd EAAE seminar “Agricultural policy for the environment or environmental policy for the agriculture?” held on 28-29 May 2019 in Brussels. Their paper “Do farmers follow the herd? […]


Visiting Professor at CEE-M

Yukihiko Funaki, Professor of Economics at the School of Political Science and Economics (Waseda University, Tokyo) and Director of the Economic Science Laboratory, will visit CEE-M for two week (until the first june 2019). His main fields of research are cooperative game theory and experimental economics. Yukihiko Funaki is a member of the editorial board of […]


Visiting Professor at CEE-M

Frederik Noack, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of British Columbia, will visit CEE-M for a week. His research focuses on the interaction of economic development and the environment. He is particularly interested in the impacts of improved market access and property rights on land use and natural resources. Professor Noack’s visit at CEE-M […]


Second GREEN-Econ Spring School in Environmental Economics

CEE-M and the Aix-Marseille School of Economics organize the second Spring School in Environmental Economics in the context of the ANR-funded research project GREEN-Econ. This event will take place in Marseille on May 21-24, 2019. This Spring School will be divided into two parts: two lecture courses and around 15 Ph.D student presentations will be […]


Visiting Professor AT CEE-M

David Dickinson, Professor of Economics at the Appalachian State University, will visit CEE-M for a week. His research interests are experimental economics, behavioral economics and labor economics. He will give a talk at the Behavioral Economics seminar on May 30.


14th Winter School on Inequality and Collective Welfare Theory (IT14)

The Department of Economics of the University of Verona (Italy), CEE-M (ANR RediPref, France), CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and ifo Institute at University of Munich, Germany), LISER (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Luxembourg) and The Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) are pleased to organize the: Fourteenth Winter School on Inequality and […]


CEE-M participation at second REECAP Workshop

Raphaële Préget and Sophie Thoyer, are members of the organizing committee of the second Workshop of the Research network on Economic Experiments for the CAP (REECAP), which will be held in Vienna (September 26-27). Sophie Thoyer is also a keynote speaker for this event. See website for more information.

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