In the framework of the annual national event “Fête de la Science”, the CEE-M will hold a stand entitled “Are You Experienced? Sport et Economie Comportementale“. It aims at providing an entertaining introduction to behavioral and experimental economics to the general public and the youth. With the help of posters and interactions with the public, we will present the principles of this discipline, punctuating our explanations with scientific anecdotes.
“Sport and Science” is the national theme of this year “Festival of Science” event. CEE-M will offer various presentations in different venues:
- “Sciences et sport” at the Palais Universitaire des sports Veyrassi, on October 7 and 8, 2023. Find out more >>>
- Festival des Sciences at Parc De Lunaret, October 14, 2023. Find out more >>>
The project team, made up of two PhD students and four CEE-M members will be supported by two students, interns at the CEE-M, Odile Séré De Lanauze and Sarah Mohamed Feti.