Conference on “Acting differently” to facilitate the transition of coastal areas

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  • Conference on “Acting differently” to facilitate the transition of coastal areas
19 February 2025
  • The CEE-M is organizing a conference entitled “Agir autrement” (Acting differently) to facilitate the transition of coastal areas: cross-fertilization between managers and researchers, in conjunction with the University of Montpellier, the CNFPT, the Fondation de France, the Plan Littoral 21 and the GIP Littoral 2030

The aim of this conference is to share scientific and territorial experiences on the spatial recomposition of coastal territories, and to develop public action tools to define long-term transition trajectories that involve flexible and progressive planning to better anticipate future bifurcations.

It will be held at the Economic Faculty of Montpellier on March 25 and 26, 2025, and will be built around 6 sessions:

  • Session 1: Why “act differently”? What’s at stake
  • Session 2: What are the conditions for “acting differently”?
  • Session 3: What are the levers for change? Feedback from field experience and research projects
  • Session 4: “Acting differently” with dynamic planning: building adaptation trajectories for coastal areas
  • Session 5: How can we get the public on board?
  • Session 6: What roadmap for acting differently?

See the program >>>

• Contact: Hélène Rey-Valette