Dimitri Dubois, research engineer at CEE-M, receives the CNRS Crystal Medal

10 September 2024

Congratulations to Dimitri Dubois for his CNRS Cristal Medal award. This price recognises the work of women and men involved in research support activities who contribute alongside researchers to the advancement of knowledge and the excellence of French research through their creativity, technical expertise and sense of innovation.

Dimitri is a renowned research engineer in behavioural and experimental economics. He is in charge of the Montpellier experimental economics platform (LEEM) within the Montpellier Centre for Environmental Economics (CEE-M, CNRS / University of Montpellier / Inrae / Montpellier SupAgro).

Dimitri is involved in numerous research projects on a wide range of topics such as social dilemmas, social preferences, common pool resource management, decision-making in risky or uncertain contexts, and behavioural finance. He is also involved in interdisciplinary projects, including one with evolutionary biologists related to local adaptation to a risky environment. He notably carried out economic experiments to measure the attitudes to risk and the social preferences of people exposed to volcanic-eruption risk, living at the foot of the Semeru volcano in Indonesia

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