Fast project : Annual Meeting 2024

The FAST research project, funded by the ANR as part of the “Cultivating and protecting differently” priority research programme and coordinated by Jule Subervie from CEE-M, is organising its annual meeting on 10 and 11 June 2024 in Saint Malo.
As in previous years, researchers from the FAST project and their colleagues will be meeting for a two-day conference to present their work in progress and discuss the project’s themes with their colleagues.
This year, Dominique Potier, Member of the French National Assembly, will present the conclusions of the Commission of Inquiry into the causes of France’s inability to achieve the objectives of the Ecophyto plans.
- Monday, june 10th
- 14h – 16h : «L’expérimentation dans FAST»
- 16h30 – 18h30 : «Drivers of increased pesticides use»
- Tuesday, June 11st
- 10h – 12h : «La réduction des phytos vue par les sociologues et politistes»
- 12h – 12h30 : «La transition agroécologique à l’épreuve du droit»
- 14h – 16h : Dominique Potier (keynote lecture) : Retour sur la commission d’enquête sur les causes de l’incapacité de la France à atteindre les objectifs des plans Ecophyto
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