Environmental Economics Seminar
Who Lives Where in the City? Amenities, Commuting and Income Sorting
Fabien Moizeau
Professor of Economics, University of Rennes 1. Researcher in Centre de Recherche en Economie et Management (UMR CNRS 6211).
We study the sorting of income-heterogeneous consumers within cities. We allow for non-homothetic preferences and locations that are di¤erentiated by their distance to employment
centers and accessibility to exogenous amenities. The residential equilibrium is driven by the properties of an amenity-commuting aggregator obtained from the primitives of the model.
Using micro-data on the Randstad (the Netherlands), we find that doubling the amenity level, resp. commuting time, attracts households whose incomes are 1 – 2:5% higher, resp.
6 – 17:5% lower. Using the models estimated parameters, we predict the impact of changes in accessibility to jobs and amenities on the social structure of the Randstad.
Practical information
Montpellier SupAgro / INRA - Bat. 26 - Centre de documentation Pierre Bartoli
2 Place Viala 34000 Montpellier
Dates & time