Séminaire "Economie Comportementale et Expérimentale"
Racial Discrimination in Seeking Advice
Vojtech Bartos
Maitre de conférences, Department of Economics, Management, and Quantitative Methods (DEMM) University of Milan
Minority group underrepresentation in advisory positions is ubiquitous. We study discrimination in seeking advice as a potential channel. Amazon Mechanical Turk workers face a task that is difficult to solve without prior advice. We elicit subjects’ willingness to pay for a video tutorial before solving the task. We manipulate the race of the advisor, signalled by the skin color of their hand. We vary the skin color using realistic video post-production techniques, eliminating any residual confounds. To causally study advice use and performance unconditional of demand for advice, we employ an incentive compatible mechanism assigning a positive probability to receiving advice with certainty. We study mechanisms by manipulating information about advisor in an advisor selection exercise. We find no discrimination on average at either stage. This is despite the salience of the experimental manipulation and sufficient statistical power. We disentangle the potential heterogeneity of the average null effect by subjects’ political views.
Informations pratiques
Université Montpellier - Faculté d'économie
Avenue Raymond Dugrand 34960 Montpellier
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