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CEE-M : membres


Thématique de recherche

  • Économie expérimentale
  • Économie comportementale
  • Économie de l'environnement

DUBOIS Dimitri

Ingénieur de recherche Directeur adjoint du CEE-M Appui à la recherche


  • 2006
Office UFR Economie
Avenue Raymond Dugrand
34960 MONTPELLIER Cedex 2
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Hard vs. soft commitments: Experimental evidence from a sample of French gamblers *

Bettega Paul, Crosetto Paolo, Dubois DimitriRomaniuc Rustam
à paraître
Theory and Decision
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Does improving diagnostic accuracy increase artificial intelligence adoption? A public acceptance survey using randomized scenarios of diagnostic methods

Hswen Yulin, Rafaï Ismaël, Lacombe Antoine, Davin-Casalena Bérengère, Dubois DimitriBlayac Thierry, Ventelou Bruno
Artificial Intelligence in Health
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Depth of reasoning in the 11-20 game differs between financial professionals and students. A lab-in-the-field experiment

Acikgoz Bernur, Dubois DimitriDuchêne SébastienNguyen-Huu AdrienWillinger Marc
Economics Letters
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Stated preferences outperform elicited preferences for predicting reported compliance with Covid-19 prophylactic measures

Rafaï Ismaël, Blayac ThierryDubois DimitriDuchêne Sébastien, Nguyen-Van Phu, Ventelou Bruno, Willinger Marc
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
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Individual and strategic behaviors in a dynamic extraction problem: results from a within-subject experiment in continuous time

Djiguemde Anmina Murielle, Dubois DimitriSauquet AlexandreTidball Mabel
Applied Economics
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