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Research interests

  • Experimental Economics
  • Financial Economics
  • Behavioral Economics

DUCHENE Sébastien

Associate Faculty
Office UFR Economie
Avenue Raymond Dugrand
34960 MONTPELLIER Cedex 2
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Depth of reasoning in the 11-20 game differs between financial professionals and students. A lab-in-the-field experiment

Acikgoz Bernur, Dubois DimitriDuchêne SébastienNguyen-Huu AdrienWillinger Marc
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Economics Letters
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Stated preferences outperform elicited preferences for predicting reported compliance with Covid-19 prophylactic measures

Rafaï Ismaël, Blayac ThierryDubois DimitriDuchêne Sébastien, Nguyen-Van Phu, Ventelou Bruno, Willinger Marc
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
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Portfolio instability and socially responsible investment: Experiments with financial professionals and students

Tatarnikova Olga,  Duchêne Sébastien,  Sentis Patrick,  Willinger Marc
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
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What drives the acceptability of restrictive health policies: An experimental assessment of individual preferences for anti-COVID 19 strategies

Blayac ThierryDubois DimitriDuchêne Sébastien, Nguyen-Van Phu, Ventelou Bruno, Willinger Marc
Economic Modelling
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Nudging for lockdown: behavioural insights from an online experiment

Blayac ThierryDubois DimitriDuchêne Sébastien, Nguyen-Van Phu, Ventelou Brunou, Willinger Marc
Social Psychology
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