One of the goals of research activities at CEE-M is to provide policy recommendations to address major environmental challenges. CEE-M members are often involved in consultancy work with public decision makers, in dissemination activities, and also in training activities in fields related to environmental issues.
Recent activities include, among others: dissemination and training activities related to the common agricultural policy (see the CAP-Eye website); dissemination conferences on the consequences of sea level rise for coastal activities; contributions for the french assessment of ecosystems and ecosystem services (EFESE), and for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES); involvement in advisory councils related to maritime activities (Parlement de la Mer); policy advices for decision makers in several regional or national parks (Parc National des Calanques, Parc National des Cévennes, Parc Naturel Régional de Brière); joint projects with private actors on the promotion of pro-environmental behaviors.
Another of the major goals of our activities is to connect research and teaching. CEE-M is actively involved in the Doctoral School of the MUSE initiative, its members frequently teach in Masters and Ph.D programs and supervise PhD students. Around 20 PhD students are currently affiliated with CEE-M.
Some useful information: